Common Myopia Myths
- Myopia is solely the result of how we use our eyes, therefore, we can control whether or not people become nearsighted.
Fact: Like many conditions, myopia develops due to a combination of genes and environment.
- Reading glasses or other devices such as pinhole glasses can prevent myopia.
Fact: There is no credible research which demonstrates that pinhole glasses prevent myopia or retard its progression. In some patients, reading glasses or bifocals can be effective, but this is true for a select group in the population who can be identified by a comprehensive examination by your optometrist.
- Wearing glasses makes your myopia worse.
Fact: In actuality, the research has demonstrated that wearing glasses to provide clear vision for distance seeing does not cause more nearsightedness. For some people, these lenses are not optimum for their near vision and should be removed or a bifocal should be put in the glasses. Optometrists, who test both far and near vision, will advise when removing glasses or a bifocal is appropriate for reading and other close work.
- It is better to wear weaker glasses so your eyes have to work harder.
Fact: This assumption has been proven to be incorrect.
- Contact lenses can prevent myopia or retard its progression.
Fact: While success in this area has been minimal in the past, more recent research has demonstrated that contact lenses can help retard the progression of nearsightedness in some patients. Part of the explanation for this is due to the difference in focus between the center of the retina and the periphery of the retina. This research is new and is continuing.